Senior Software Engineer and Algorithm Developer
(2010/12 - present)
- Pixart Imaging Inc., Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Leading global provider of IC and optical element for optical mouse
- Exclusive provider of tracking IC and optical element for WII control
- One of the IC design house in Taiwan which offered the greatest number of bonus
- Machine learning (2 years)
- Face detection
- Expression recognition
- Face recognition
- Face tracking
- Capacitor touch panel (0.5 year)
- Digital AM signal processing
- Finger extraction
- Finger separation
- Finger tracking
- Analog signal synthesis
- Digital FM signal processing​
- Packet detection
- Frequency offset recovery
- Timing offset recovery
- Facial feature(eye, mouth) location
- 3D depth sensing
- Speak detection
- Eye gaze estimation
- Home Appliance Control Device
- Fu Chen CHEN, Hsin Chia CHEN, Yi Hsien KO, Ming Tsan Kao
- Issued April 9, 2013, United States US8417385 B2
- Issued March 20, 2013, China CN102981459 A
- Fu Chen CHEN, Ming Tsan Kao, Yu Han CHEN
- Filed March, 2013, United States
- Filed March, 2013, Taiwan TW102107772
- Filed March, 2013, China CN201310085351.2
- Proficient in: C/C++, Verilog
- Familiar with: C#, MATLAB, Python
- Ever used: Java, HTML, JavaScript , MySQL
- Primary: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Video Processing, True Motion Estimation
- Familiar: Data compression, Codec, Digital IC Design